Clean Streets Matter
Clean Streets Matter
GA Women joined hundreds of other Middle Georgians
in a community wide effort to pick up trash

Rally for Reproductive Justice

Georgia Women (And Those Who Stand With Us) and the Macon Chapter of the League of Women Voters joined hundreds of organizations around the country to
rally in support of a woman’s reproductive rights READ MORE
Coalition to Educate Voters
14 civic minded organizations in Macon-Bibb came together to announce a plans to form a non partisan coalition committed to educating voters about Georgia’s new voting law READ MORE

GPB Lawmakers joined us for Georgia STOMP Day at the Capitol!

Community leaders in Houston County hosted a postcard messaging and addressing event regarding the 2020 Census. The event was hosted by the Houston County 2020 Census Complete Committee, Georgia Women (And Those Who Stand With Us), and the Warner Robins Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated.

‘Money and power’ is what the census is about, advocate says in Macon
October 11, 2019

Amerson River Park recognized for cleaner river and other Middle Georgia awards
September 21, 2019
A Macon park was recognized for its ability to create a community around efforts to clean the Ocmulgee River and produce a more sustainable future for Georgia, according to a news release.

Water Coalition Celebrates Clean Water Efforts
September 20, 2019
The Georgia Water Coalition is celebrating individuals and groups that are working to keep the state’s waterways clean with its annual “Clean 13” list.

Amerson River Park named to statewide Clean 13 Report
September 19, 2019
"Amerson River Park has been a true collaboration of many people and organizations over the years to be a major component in miles of both walking and water trails," says Georgia Women President Claire Cox.

Amerson River Park nominated for Georgia Water Coalition's Clean 13
September 19, 2019
This report focuses on the extraordinary work accomplished by individuals, businesses, industries, non-profit organizations and state and local governments to protect Georgia’s water.

Protestors Gather in Macon Under Threat of ICE Raids
July 18, 2019
Protesters raised awareness about the conditions in migrant detention centers — two of which are in Georgia.

Georgia Joins Efforts to Fund Menstrual Products in Schools
March 26, 2019
Georgia’s legislature is joining a nationwide effort to provide menstrual products for public school students in need.

Women Push to End Georgia Sales Tax on Menstrual Products
February 1, 2019
From adolescence to menopause, most women have to deal with a monthly reality: their periods. It can be messy, painful and expensive. The cost of tampons, pads and menstrual cups can add up. In Georgia, women and their families also pay sales tax on those products. Some women are hoping to change that.

Tired of Paying Sales Taxes on Tampons? New Georgia Legislation Could Save You Money
January 26, 2019
Georgia women could soon save nearly $10 million each year on menstrual products.
New legislation in the Georgia House of Representatives aims to eliminate the so-called “tampon tax,” which requires consumers to pay sales tax on feminine products that many consider a medical necessity. Georgia Women (And Those Who Stand With Us) President Claire Cox says state could take the lead in ending sales tax on period products.

Period Politics: Georgia Lawmakers Consider Tossing 'Tampon Tax'
January 22, 2019
A wonderful interview about Georgia Women's work through the coalition we formed -- Georgia STOMP! Coalition member Dominique Holloman and national advocate Jennifer Weiss Wolf discuss our initiatives in the context of the national movement for menstrual equity!

Here's How Some Georgians are Fighting Back Against the State's 'Tampon Tax'
January 11, 2019
The 'tampon tax' is a 4% sales tax on menstrual products in Georgia.
It's a state sales tax making an impact on females across the state of Georgia.
The tax on feminine hygiene products, known as the 'tampon tax', issues a 4% tax on menstrual products. The coalition Georgia S.T.O.M.P. is working to inform legislators how the tax makes an impact and should be considered an issue of inequality.

Two Georgia Democrats Want to Tackle ‘Tampon Tax,’ Education
January 4, 2019
A pair of Georgia Democrats want to waive the state’s sales tax on feminine products while teaching young women and girls the pitfalls that could come with improper use.

Legislator Wants to Eliminate So-called 'Tampon Tax'
December 27, 2018
Current state law means the purchase of products like tampons also carry the state’s 4 percent sales tax.
But advocacy groups like Georgia STOMP, Stop Tax on Menstrual Products, say that amounts to an unfair tax on women.Debbie Buckner (D-Junction City) has pre-filed a measure in the state house that would make those products exempt from the tax.

Georgia State Legislature Reconsidering Tax on Feminine Hygiene Products
December 19, 2018
In the state of Georgia, there is a 4 percent sales tax for feminine hygiene products tacked on to your county’s tax. State representative Debbie Buckner, a Junction City Democrat, is sponsoring the bill to remove the tax.

Crowd Protests Zero-Tolerance Immigration Policy During U.S. Attorney General's Visit
August 9, 2018
About 30 people united in the median on Mulberry Street to protest Thursday’s visit from U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who was here to address law enforcement officers about reducing crime.
Many protestors took issue with the zero-tolerance immigration policy Sessions ordered earlier this year.

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions Headed to Macon, Sparking Protest Rally
August 8, 2018
U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions will visit Macon on Thursday, and protestors are expected outside.
The former Alabama senator is reportedly going to meet with law enforcement officers downtown at the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Georgia. He will “deliver remarks on efforts to combat violent crime in America,” according to a news release. He also will address the media.
Georgia Women (And Those Who Stand With Us) plans to protest beginning at 8:30 a.m. at 300 Mulberry Street near the federal courthouse and Gateway Plaza.

College Student with Full-Time Job at Geico Fears Being Kicked Out of Country
March 16, 2018
Onungwa spoke recently at a forum at Mercer University, in which about 100 people attended. The forum focused on the DACA issue from a religious perspective, with representatives of the Islamic, Christian and Jewish faiths offering scriptural support for immigration.

People in Macon Stand for Unity and Anti-Discrimination
March 10, 2018
People rallied Saturday afternoon to stand against discrimination in the community for the annual Unity March.

Women in Georgia, and Across the Nation, are Running for Office in Record Numbers
March 8, 2018
But several women have chosen to stay behind the scenes in more of an advocacy role. Claire Cox founded a non-partisan group in Middle Georgia called Georgia Women and Those Who Stand with Us.

Georgia Organizations Push for Tax Exemption on Feminine Hygiene Products
February 21, 2018
A trip to the drug store could cost women a little less if two Georgia women's groups get their way.

Bill Would Nix Tax on Feminine Hygiene Items
February 16, 2018
Proponents of a bill that would exempt feminine hygiene products from the state sales tax say it’s time to have what may be an awkward conversation for the majority male General Assembly.

On DACA for Dreamers, What Would Jesus, Mohammed and Abraham Do?
January 31, 2018
As the nation's leaders debate how to handle children of people entering the country illegally, Mercer University is spurring a conversation about the issue from a religious perspective.

Bill Would Exempt Feminine Hygiene Products From State Sales Tax
January 25, 2018
Women’s advocates estimate Georgians pay $10 million a year in state taxes on menstrual products. “Nothing about them is optional,” says the group, Georgia Women.

Women Resist: 5 Leaders We Love in Georgia
December 24, 2017
Georgia is full of amazing progressive leaders, and women of color are at the forefront of addressing issues like abortion access, voting rights, immigration reform and Islamophobia.

DACA Supporters Rally in Downtown Macon
October 25, 2017
DACA supporters rally in downtown Macon.

Rally for Charlottesville Set for Monday Night in Macon
August 14, 2017
A rally in opposition of white supremacy, and to show solidarity with the people in Charlottesville, Virginia, is set for Monday evening in downtown Macon.

Eleventh Hour Highlights GA Women (TWSU) Leaders
July 18, 2017
The July 18, 2017 issue of Eleventh Hour featured Claire Cox and Lynn Snyder of GA Women (And Those Who stand With Us) in their Native/New column.

Macon-Bibb Unanimously Approves Paid Parental Leave for Bibb Employees
June 6, 2017
Macon-Bibb County Commissioners unanimously approved an ordinance that would offer Macon-Bibb County employees up to four weeks of paid time off for mothers and a week for fathers and one week for parents adopting.
Macon-Bibb Commission Approves Paid Parental Leave for Employees.

Women's Organization Applauds Bibb Paid Family Leave Ordinance
June 6, 2017
The Bibb County Commission enacted a new family leave policy on Tuesday.

Bibb County Moves Towards Paid Parental and Family Leave
May 23, 2017

Victory in Macon: Commission Gives Final Passage to LGBT Civil Rights Ordinance
May 3, 2017
The Macon-Bibb County Commission gave final approval to an LGBT civil rights ordinance on Tuesday, voting six to three to change the county charter so that the county cannot prevent someone from being promoted or hired because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Tuesday’s vote was the final hurdle following an April 18 commission vote in favor of the move.

Council Will Revisit Paid Maternity Leave Policy, with More Options
May 2, 2017
The Warner Robins City Council is expected to revisit a paid parental leave policy on Monday, March 6th. In February, the council denied the policy for paid maternity leave. It would have provided mothers with four weeks of paid leave after the birth of her newborn.

Georgia Women Continuing Work Begun by the Women's March in D.C.
April 5, 2017
Inspired by the Women's March in January, Georgia Women (And Those Who Stand With Us) are acting for social justice here in Georgia.

Warner Robins Council Passes Maternity Leave Policy
March 6, 2017
Warner Robins approves family leave policy.

Midstate Activists Take Health Care Campaign to Senator’s Atlanta Office
March 2, 2017
A group of midstate activists met with a representative of Republican U.S. Sen. David Perdue at his office in Atlanta on Thursday to express their support of the Affordable Care Act.

Protesters Take Complaints to Warner Robins Congressional Office
February 3, 2017
Protesters meet at Congressman Scott's office.