Clean Streets Matter
Clean Streets Matter
GA Women joined hundreds of other Middle Georgians
in a community wide effort to pick up trash

Book Circle
The Premonition by Michael Lewis
Discussion about this timely book about the US response to COVID was led Mercer Biology professor, Dr. Linda Hensel
We wrote over 300 postcards to US Senators and Representatives about enacting sensible gun reform legislation
We wrote over 300 postcards to Supreme Court Justices pleading with them not to overturn Roe v Wade
Co-hosted forum with Macon League of Women Voters and the Macon GA Chapter of The Links, Incorporated featuring candidates running for the US House of Representatives District 2
Co-hosted forum with Macon League of Women Voters and the Macon GA Chapter of The Links, Incorporated featuring candidates running for the position of Macon Water Authority chairperson
GA Women joined hundreds of other Middle Georgians
in a community wide effort to pick up trash
Co-hosted Lunch and Learn with Macon League of Women Voters on the topic of changes in Georgia's voting laws with Dr. Jesse Harris Deputy Director,
Georgia Secretary of State, Elections Division
Co-hosted Lunch and Learn with Macon League of Women Voters on the topic of
Women's Reproductive Rights with Moms Demand Action
Co-hosted Lunch and Learn with Macon League of Women Voters on the topic of
Women's Reproductive Rights with Staci Fox, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood, Southeast
Lunch and Learn
What In the World Is CRT?
February 2022
Co-hosted Lunch and Learn with Macon League of Women Voters on the topic of
Critical Race Theory with Mercer University professor Dr. Fontenot
Virtual Book Circle
January 2022
Believing: Our Thirty-Year Journey To End Gender Violence
By Anita Hill
Book discussion was led by Sarah Gerwig
Delivered doughnuts to local area hospitals to thank them for their hours of work during Covid-19
Virtual Book Circle
October 2021
The New Jim Crow
By Michelle Alexander
Book discussion was led by Andrea Cooke, development director of
Southern Center for Choice Theory and founder of C-Qul
GA Women joined other Women's Organizations from across the country to send an unmistakable message about our fierce opposition to restricting abortion access!
Press Conference held to announce the formation a coalition of
14 local organizations dedicated to voter education
Virtual Book Circle
July 2021
Caste: The Origins of our Discontents
By Isabel Wilkerson
Book discussion was led by Ruth Brooks, book circle member and avid reader
Clean Streets Matter
GA Women joined hundreds of other Middle Georgians
in a community wide effort to pick up trash
Georgia Women The League of Women Voters and the Macon Chapter of The Links,
co-hosted a town hall presented by Fair Districts GA, to educate our members about Redistricting and Gerrymandering to help people prepare to testify at the Reapportionment and Redistricting Committee meeting which will be held in
Macon on May 29
Voter Registration Training
7/21/21 & 7/22/21
In preparation for the upcoming elections seasons, 14 GA Women members
participated in Voter Registration Training offered by the
Macon-Bibb County Board of Elections
Civic Engagement Workgroup Planning Meeting
June 2021
Planning meeting for Georgia Women's civic engagement work for the upcoming elections seasons
Virtual Book Circle
April 2021
The Watergate Girl: My Fight For Truth And Justice Against a Criminal President
by Jill Wine-Banks
Book discussion was led by Ramona Sheridan, adjunct professor at Mercer University
4/22 & 23/21
Understanding Comprehensive Civil Rights
April 2021
An educational event to examine what protections against discrimination are needed for Macon-Bibb County residents because of their race, gender identity, color, sex, disability, national origin, religion, ancestry, sexual orientation or military status.
Four separate forums were held and can be viewed by following these links:
Civil Rights Law:
Civil Rights & Business:
Civil Rights for People of Color:
Civil Rights for People of Faith:
A Conversation On Education
GA Women partnered with The League of Women Voters the the Macon Chapter of
The Links Inc to host a discussion with Bibb County School District Superintendent, Dr. Curtis Jones. The recording of the event can be found here.
Clean Streets Matter
GA Women joined hundreds of other Middle Georgians
in a community wide effort to pick up trash
Drive-Thru Postcard Signing Event
March 2021
Marching Toward Menstrual Equity
March 2021
A Georgia STOMP Town Hall
Clean Up Day
March 2021
Georgia Women hosted a Clean-Up day on Houston Rd
GA Women hosted an event to help members draft letters to the National Park Service in support of expanding Ocmulgee Mounds National Monument into a National Park
February 2021
The Fight For Our Rights! Train With Us.
Guests from Georgia Equality, 9to5 Georgia and the Georgia AFL-CIO
shared insights and tips for effective advocacy.
Click here to watch the recording of the event and enter Passcode: 24q@i6VW
Virtual Book Circle
January 2021
Notorious RBG The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
by Irin Carmon and Shana Knizhnik
Book discussion led by Brenda Williams, program director of Houston and Macon Judicial Circuits' Alternative Dispute Resolution Programs
10/24/20- 1/5/21
Free Uber Rides to Vote!
Partnered with local chapters of LWV, The Links, Women's Diversity Group to offer
Free Uber Rides to Vote
Saturday Voting Celebration
Partnered with local chapters of LWV, The Links, Unity N Community, Panhellenic Council and Navicent Health to caravan to encourage GOTV and hosted a socially distanced tailgate party
Virtual Book Circle
October 2020
Women Rowing North
by Mary Pipher
Book discussion led by Kay Shurden, retired professor of Marriage and Family Therapy at Mercer University School of Medicine
Georgia Women's first drive-through Signing Event!
Virtual Book Circle August 2020
Educated, A Memoir
by Tara Westover
Book discussion led by Roz Goudeau, LCSW with over 40 years experience as a therapist.
Runoff Candidates for Macon-Bibb County Commissioners Districts #5 and #7 and Board of Election District #1.
Watch a recording of the forum, HERE.
"So much more than a collection of warmed-over stories of Harvey Weinstein’s monstrous behavior, She Said is a fascinating, totally engaging tale about breaking the Harvey Weinstein story. This is a great detective story, which should be read by everyone—men and women, and our sons and daughters once they are of age." The discussion was lead by Liz Fabian, one of the most respected voices in journalism in Middle GA!
Macon Circuit District Attorney and Macon-Bibb Sheriff Candidates in a Zoom Meeting Live Streamed to Facebook.
Watch a recording of the forum, HERE.
All Mayoral Candidates in a Zoom Meeting Live Streamed to Facebook.
Watch a recording of the forum, HERE.
3rd Annual March on Macon
We march for comprehensive civil rights in Macon-Bibb.
Monthly Signing Event held at Ocmulgee Brewpub
Georgia Women hosted salon to learn about the generation and storage of coal ash and the resulting ground water contamination.
The Georgia STOMP Coalition gathered at the Capitol for education and advocacy.
Our first Signing Event in Houston County! Cohosted by Houston County Complete Count Census Committee and Houston County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta.
Montgomery Trip to National Memorial for Peace and Justice
An important day trip to the National Memorial for Peace and Justice and The Legacy Museum.
This trip followed a reading of the book "Just Mercy" by Bryan Stevenson.
Census Signing Event
A second Signing Event devoted to writing postcards to let residents in undercounted areas of Macon-Bibb County know about the 2020 Census.
Georgia Women has supported this event and marched as an organization every year since our formation.
We reflect on the progress of the last 100 years as we prepare for the Centennial Celebration of the Ratification of the 19th Amendment granting women the right to vote. Book discussion led by Mercer Law School Dean, Cathy Cox. Cathy participates regularly in Georgia Women events and is uniquely qualified to lead our discussion having served two terms as Georgia's Secretary of State, the first woman in state history elected to the post.
Following on the reading of this book by the Georgia Women Book Circle, let's Meet Up at the movie!
At the holidays, we come together for friendship and advocacy.
A drop in "Meet and Greet" with all elected officials who represent Middle Georgia.
Georgia Women hosted a special Signing Event to write postcards to residents in traditionally undercounted areas of Macon-Bibb County.
Georgia Women (And Those Who Stand With Us) hosted tables with themes focused on GW's 5 Core Principles.
Movie Showing and Panel Discussion. The documentary weaves together personal stories from voters across the state of GA to illustrate the extent voter suppression occurred in the 2018 midterm election.
We are preparing people for the 2020 Census by answering questions like: Who will receive the Census questionnaire? What questions will be asked? Why does it matter?
Book Circle discussion of Just Mercy: A story of justice and redemption
Family celebration at Macon-Bibb Board of Elections Office
Georgia Women provided Voter Registration and Census Information
An opportunity to socialize and learn about Georgia Women (And Those Who Stand With Us)
A signing event focused on Menstrual Equity In Macon, Georgia.
The objective of the meeting was to detail how Georgia Women advocates for, and assists, vulnerable residents in central Georgia.
Book Circle discussion of Untamed: The Wildest Woman in America and the Fight for Cumberland Island by Will Harlan
If Voter Registration, Voter Transportation, Voter Education or Census Participation is important to you, join us, and together we will find ways to improve civic engagement!
Standing together against racism!
Questions examined:
1) How will Georgia’s partial Medicaid Expansion be accomplished?
2) How do we advocate in light of the 2019 Georgia Legislative Session Medicaid Expansion bill?
Georgia Women joined our voices with partner organizations across the country, and indeed across the world, at an event to protest the inhumane conditions faced by refugees in Detention Camps and Detention Centers.
At this Signing Event, we will prepare Father's Day Cards for men separated from their families and spending this Father's Day at Stewart Detention Center.
Georgia Women, in conjunction with Middle Georgia Immigration Coalition (MGIC) and Nuestra Voz Middle Georgia, was a local host for a Free Citizenship Clinic provided by Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO) and Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAAJ).
A joint Signing Event with Nuestra Voz Middle Georgia. Collections were gathered for el Refugio. Items collected will be used to prepare backpacks of clothes for men being deported from Stewart Detention Center.
Georgia Women' 2nd Annual Celebration and Fundraiser
Annual Walk in Solidarity with Immigrants.
This day was sponsored by many organizations including Project South, GLAHR, ACLU, AAAJ and including Georgia Women (And Those Who Stand With Us). We learned more about the current state of legislation impacting immigrants and refugees in Georgia and "take to the ropes" to do direct advocacy.
Georgia Water Coalition’s (GWC) education day regarding current legislation related to water quality issues in Georgia.
Period Progress, a Press Conference recognizing recent advancements in access for period supplies in Georgia and highlighting efforts underway to address menstrual equity and period poverty in our state. Focus includes HB8 to eliminate sale tax on menstrual products, as well as access in prisons, schools and following natural disasters.
A signing event focused on the issues before the 2019 state legislature!
A conversation to ascertain interest in addressing this issues of menstrual equity an period poverty in our community. Our conversation will begin with an update on statewide advocacy initiatives, but very quickly turn to Macon and how to address needs in our community.
Let's gather together one more time in 2018 to share a smile and a drink, but also make our voices heard as we write our elected officials and let them know what we care most about.
Join us for some holiday resistance!
A drop in "Meet and Greet" event with elected officials who represent the Middle Georgia area.
Why Don't They Do It The Legal Way?
A panel discussion to educate the Macon-Bibb County community on all matters surrounding current immigration policy and provide a safe place to bring questions.
Book Discussion with Macon native Allison Yarrow of her book 90's Bitch: Media, Culture and the Failed Promise of Gender Equality
Sponsors include: Georgia Women, League of Women Voters - Macon, League of Women Voters - Georgia, Macon Chapter of The Links, Inc., The Telegraph and Mercer University
Book Circle discussion of The Tools by Phil Stutz and Barry Michels
Training session for Drivers, Riders, Interpreters and Hotline Operators
We gather again to write postcards to our elected officials.
The third in our summer advocacy series, Sowing Seeds of Advocacy, attendees will improve advocacy skills with legislators at the Georgia State Capitol.
Upon the occasion of his visit to Macon, we rally in opposition to the anti-family policies of the Department of Justice as represented by Jeff Session.
Georgia Women gathering at the Douglass' showing of RBG - the movie.
Georgia Women's Inaugural Book Discussion Event
March at Atlanta Detention Center opposing Zero Tolerance policy and separation of families at the border
An extra "emergency" Signing Event for the sole purpose of writing elected and appointed officials about the enforcement procedures causing children to be intentionally separated from their parents in the process of immigration enforcement procedures.
Social Media Advocacy Workshop
Learn to harness the power of social media to connect our communities. In this 60-minute interactive workshop,Chandra Brown (Influence Advocacy, LLC) will share some basics on the social science of social media. You will walk away with some best practices to find and engage people in the issues you care about.
Charles Richardson, retired Editor of the Macon Telegraph, and a respected journalist in Middle Georgia for many years, will lead a workshop on writing effective Letters to the Editor and Guest Editorials.
Dignity, Justice and Hope
Standing in solidarity with our neighbors.
Annual Interfaith Walk in support of immigrants
At the first fundraiser for Georgia Women, we are honored to have Blue Sky Blue, a local Americana group, entertain us for the evening at Macon's most original beer garden. The Society Garden opened in recent months and quickly became a destination for gathering with friends while enjoying music and libations.
For the cover charge of $25, you will enjoy an evening of Ingleside Village Pizza, great music and gathering with friends while supporting the work of Georgia Women (And Those Who Stand With Us). Georgia Women is one of middle Georgia's most active groups speaking on behalf of women and other minorities.
With a Cash Bar available and an opportunity to participate in a live auction, you should put a few extra dollars in your pocket for a great night of fun!
Come out and join us at the crossroads of Cuban, Mexican and American cuisine in Macon!
Three Countries is a treasure with easy access from Spring Street and a parking lot behind the restaurant.
As always, postcards, stamps and suggested topics will be provided, but you are free to write about anything you choose.
On March 22nd at 5:30 pm, a group of Georgia Water Coalition advocates -- including Georgia Women -- will be showing up at Casey Cagle's fundraiser in Perry, GA with a large tire. The purpose? to get Cagle's...and the media's...attention!
A fun event to promote Georgia Women!
March on Macon 2018
We're back! Last year we were able to get LGBTQ+ public employees protected, and now we're asking that all of Macon's citizens will be protected as well. Unlike most states, Georgia does not have comprehensive antidiscrimination laws, and attempts to enact them have historically been met with a great deal of resistance. We believe that our beloved Macon-Bibb County is a unified community, bound by the love of each other. The level of diversity in our multifaceted community is something we hold dear. Take a public stand with us as we demonstrate our desire to see our shared values more accurately represented in our local and state laws.
Interfaith discussion about DACA and Immigration with
Rev. David Gushee, professor of Christian ethics, director of the Center for Theology & Public Life
Rabbi Aaron Rubinstein, Congregation Sha’arey Israel in Macon
Imam Adam Fofana, Islamic Center of Middle Georgia in Centerville
We need to Huddle again.
We need to celebrate what has been accomplished.
We also need to equip ourselves for the days to come.
On February 3rd, we will do just that!
Join us as we look back and look forward.
We are highly fortunate to be led by April Ingle, a consultant with extensive experience facilitating strategic planning, event coordination, leadership development and volunteer engagement with foundations and non-profits in Georgia.
Georgia Women will march together in the MLK Day March sponsored by Macon-Bibb County's MLK Commission.
There are four starting points for the march which converge downtown. GW will meet on January 15th at 10:45 am at the Frank Johnson Recreation Center (2227 Mercer University Drive directly off of Pio Nono.)
The march begins at 11:00 am, is approximately 2 miles, and concludes at City Hall (700 Poplar Street) at noon. If you cannot walk the 2+ miles, please join us at noon for the convergence!
In a natural follow up to the information learned in two Immigration Salons, Georgia Women plans a visit to Stewart Detention Center. On January 11th, we will take a group of 10 people for a day long visit to Stewart coordinated by El Refugio. El Refugio, a ministry located at the gates of Stewart, serves the families of detainees and hosts groups who come to visit with detainees.
Let's gather together one more time in 2017 to share a smile and a drink, but also make our voices heard as we write our elected officials and let them know what we care most about. Come see friends, or make new acquaintances and write postcards to your federal, state and local officials. As always, Georgia Women will provide postcards, suggested topics and postage stamps. You are free to write about whatever issue is most important to you! Join us for some holiday resistance!
What do recent changes and attacks on healthcare at the Federal level mean for Georgia's policies and our local healthcare facilities?
What advocacy efforts are needed when our state legislature convenes in January?
How do reductions in healthcare continue to effect those most vulnerable among us?
All of this and more will be covered by the local experts we are assembling for this discussion!
Georgia Women (And Those Who Stand With Us) is hosting a drop in "Meet and Greet" with elected officials who represent the Middle Georgia area. Invitations were sent to US Senators and Representatives, our State Delegation of Senators and Congressmen, Mayor Reichert and Bibb County Commissioners as well as the Board of Education and Water Board. We hope many of them will attend and hope you will stop by Travis Jean and take the opportunity meet your elected officials.
Georgia Women, in conjunction with student advocacy groups from Mercer Law School, Wesleyan College, Middle Georgia State University and Mercer University, will lead a rally in support of DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) recipients.
We desire Congress to quickly pass legislation allowing these Americans to stay and become citizens. Come hear the stories of neighbors threatened with removal from the only country they have ever known
Georgia Women Signing Event
It's time. We need to come together again and make our voices heard -- DACA, Healthcare, Detention Centers, ANWR, The Wall, Clean Power Plan -- all of these and more. As always, we will have suggested topics or you are free to write about what concerns you most. Georgia Women supplies the postcards, pens, addresses and stamps. You provide the concerned constituent -- YOU!
Georgia Women (And Those Who Stand WIth Us) in conjunction with the Middle Georgia Immigration Coalition will host its second Immigration Salon on Thursday, September 7th at 7:00 pm. The conversation, led by a 4-person panel, will focus on legal issues and detention facilities in our state.
We #StandWithCharlottesville against white supremacy in all its dogma, forms and beliefs.
Come together with love in your heart to declare what is good and right.
Post cards, addresses and stamps are provided!
We have suggested topics and facts...
or you can choose your own.
Others are present who feel like you helps!
Drop in...write...and go...
Or... stay a a burger...taste a local brew and vent!
Immigration Salon
Presentation by Adelina Nicholls, Executive Director of Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights
Topic: "Expanding Sanctuary: How Social Justice Groups and Congregations can be of Support in These Times”
Q&A time following talk.
This event is supported by: Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Warner Robins, Centenary UMC, Nueva Vida UMC, High Street Unitarian Church, First Methodist Church of WR Hispanic Congregation, Women’s Interfaith Alliance of Central Georgia, Islamic Center of Middle Georgia.
Join us Thursday afternoon for a Signing Event focused on Equal Rights, Education, Free Speech, Scientific Integrity and Voter Rights.
We will write postcards to government leaders letting them know our views related to these areas. Specific suggestions will be provided, but attendees are always free to write about whatever interests them most!
Coal Ash Hearing
Public Hearing for input about the release of impounded wastewater from Georgia Power Coal Ash Ponds at Harllee Branch
Presentation will be given by Georgians for a Healthy Future followed by Q&A time
This is a Georgia Women (And Those Who Stand With Us) campaign to ask Mayor Robert Reichert to join the more than 200 other Mayors throughout the US who have committed to adopting, honoring and upholding the Paris Climate Agreement goals.
We worked with Bibb County commissioners to pass an amendment to provide paid family leave to Macon-Bibb County employees.
Congressman Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. will hold a Town Hall Meeting in Macon. The Town Hall will provide a forum for the discussion of current policy issues being debated in Congress.
Postcard Signing
Join us after work to share a drink, socialize, and write postcards to your Legislators, County Commissioners, Governor, or President. We will have the postcards, stamps and pens and we'll also have suggested topics and addresses.
GA Women (And Those Who Stand With Us) will participate in a Pilgrimage for Immigrants in partnership with Centenary UMC, Iglesia Metodista Unida Nueva Vida, St. Peter Claver Catholic Church, High Street Unitarian Church, Vineville UMC, St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal, other faith communities and organizations in Central Georgia
Advocacy Training Day: Information Is Power
We have assembled an outstanding panel of individuals who have been at work in our state in the arenas that affect our core principles.
The vote on repealing ACA will happen this Thursday in the US House of Representatives.
This email contains The Guiding Principles drafted by the Steering Committee incorporating the responses given by the 137 people who attended the February 2017 Huddle.