Clean Streets Matter
Clean Streets Matter
GA Women joined hundreds of other Middle Georgians
in a community wide effort to pick up trash

Member resources and ideas for assisting Voter Access in Georgia
A new Georgia Women Steering Committee Member and activities almost every week. This newsletter will help you keep us with all the news!
Updates on how Georgia Women is helping our immigrant neighbors, increasing civic engagement, and addressing menstrual equity, along with the latest news about Book Circle.
What can we do about the separation of families and the inhumane conditions at the border? How can we address the targeting of black and brown people for mass incarceration? Did Macon successfully celebrate its first Pride event in 20 years? What is next on the Georgia Women calendar?
All this is covered in the July newsletter.
Who was seen at the Georgia Women Celebration?
Our fundraising tally!
What's happening between now and summer?
Georgia Women (And Those Who Stand With Us) formed just two short years ago! The first year was a blur -- reacting to events, plotting directions, choosing priorities, and just doing what was necessary to get organized as an entity. In 2018, the decisions and directions of 2017 began to take form. With the help of hundreds of people, much was accomplished!
Attendees at the 2019 Women's March on Washington reflect on their experiences.
The pace never slows! The end of this year will be a busy time with MANY activities...most of which are listed below. Put these on your calendar and plan to join us.
Georgia Women (And Those Who Stand With Us) welcomes the many new members who joined in recent weeks! In addition to weekly advocacy action items (Lynn’s List) and event notifications, we send periodic newsletters updating the activities of various workgroups that address Georgia Women’s five Guiding Principles.
Here is an update on the progress and partnerships, issues and actions Georgia Women (And Those Who Stand With Us) have been involved with in the past month and a preview of what’s to come.
December 18, 2017
As we close out 2017, Georgia Women has earned its place as a strong voice in the conversation regarding our country's future. This newsletter looks back on activities of the last couple of months and gives updates on many of our current efforts. If you have not found your role, consider a New Year’s resolution that involves putting your beliefs into action!
September 26, 2017
An update on the activities and accomplishments of GA Women (And Those Who Stand With Us)
May 6, 2017
Here is a list of the issues that GA Women (And Those Who Stand With Us) has been tackling
March 3, 2017
Welcome to Georgia Women (And Those Who Stand With Us)! This is the initial letter from our group and finally allows us to communicate with all our members, not just those connected via social media.