Clean Streets Matter
Clean Streets Matter
GA Women joined hundreds of other Middle Georgians
in a community wide effort to pick up trash


Georgia Women Answered the Call
Following the January 21, 2017 Women’s March on Washington (WMOW) organizers suggested women across the country assemble 10 - 12 friends for a “Signing Event.” This was to be the 1st Action of a "10 Actions in 100 Days” campaign sponsored by WMOW. A public event was created on Facebook and over the next week it was shared widely.
On Sunday, January 29th, fifty people came together at the home of Claire and Charlie Cox in a gathering that drew people from all over Macon, most of whom had never met. More than 150 postcards were handwritten and mailed to Senators and Congressmen. Connections and friendships were initiated, and Georgia Women (And Those Who Stand With Us) was formed as a result of conversations in the den.
A Steering Committee was formed and meets weekly. Members of the original steering committee were Claire Cox, Amy Dever, Roz Goudeau, Tracie Jenkins, Marty Koplin, Lynn Snyder and Brenda Sutton.
We grew. A lot. Quickly.